Sample Podiatry Blogs

We Are Content Marketing Specialists

At Podiatry Content Connection, we have a skilled (in-house) team of Content Marketing Specialists that write weekly blogs and “companion articles” for all of our customers. Our blogs and articles have keywords and key phrases embedded into them which are picked up by the search engines and help tremendously with SEO. In addition to our Content Marketing Specialists, our content marketing systems are enhanced with special proprietary software that also ensures that no other Podiatrists in the same state can have the same content as you within any 30 day period.

Our content marketing system has proven to enhance your visibility online and makes for a great first impression to website visitors as it keeps your website up-to-date with fresh podiatric content every week. Last but not least, your blog posts are “streamed” to Facebook and Twitter (all Done-for-you) every week, all of which is managed by us for you.

Symptoms of Morton’s Neuroma

The place on the foot where pain from Morton’s neuroma is typically felt is the bottom of the third and fourth toes. This condition can develop as a result of a swollen nerve in the ball of the foot. Some…

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Causes of Heel Pain

Heel pain can be difficult to deal with and can have various causes, and pain that is ignored can worsen and potentially develop into a chronic condition. Different causes for heel pain can include plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, nerve disorders, heel spurs, and more…

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Foods Related to Gout

When excess uric acid exists in the bloodstream, crystals can form that lie in the joints of the big toe. When this occurs, it can produce a painful condition known as gout.

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We Give Back:
PCC donated over $200,000 to podiatric medical schools @ Temple University, Kent State & Barry University